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Claire Tills
Jan 30, 20184 min read
Shared Language: how to fake it if you don't have it
Speaking the same language as your audience is important. In most cases you're already speaking the literal, high-level language of your...
Claire Tills
Jan 16, 20184 min read
Audiences of infosec communication: Internal or external?
There are a lot of ways to think about audiences of information security messages. Your relationship to your audience influences how you...
Claire Tills
Dec 13, 20175 min read
Tailoring infosec communication: Five scenarios
Last post, I went over two methods for understanding or segmenting your audience. The first was based on the influence you have over your...
Claire Tills
Jul 3, 20174 min read
Scared of flying but no breach response plan? Risk perception and information security
It’s commonly known that we (humans) are bad a evaluating risk. We're consumed by worry about risks that are unlikely to impact us and...
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