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Claire Tills
Nov 6, 20176 min read
How to use benefit frames for infosec
Last time, I introduced the basics of gain-loss framing from health communication. I also discussed how this approach should be applied...
Claire Tills
Oct 26, 20174 min read
Positive and Proactive: Benefit frames for infosec persuasion
I've spoken before about the need for infosec communication and persuasion to move in a more positive and proactive direction. (This...
Claire Tills
Sep 20, 20176 min read
Thinking about data after a breach: Fear, outrage, or apathy?
Just in 2017, we've seen a lot of different types of infosec incidents gain major attention. With that attention, we've seen a variety of...
Claire Tills
Jul 12, 20175 min read
Advanced soft skills for InfoSec: Efficacy
UPDATE: I gave a talk on this at BSidesDC and Delaware 2017. Here are my slides for that talk. I've wanted to cover efficacy for a while....
Claire Tills
Jul 3, 20174 min read
Scared of flying but no breach response plan? Risk perception and information security
It’s commonly known that we (humans) are bad a evaluating risk. We're consumed by worry about risks that are unlikely to impact us and...
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